Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty) Frequently Asked Questions:

Is tummy tuck result permanent?

About tummy tuck surgery By Dr. IranihaPatients who are interested to have tummy tuck, have many questions prior to the surgery, but two of the most common questions are “how painful is the tummy tuck surgery?” and “is tummy tuck result permanent?”. This video discusses these common questions in detail.


What is tummy tuck surgery?

What is the tummy tuck surgery by Dr. IranihaPregnancy, obesity, genetic and advancing age are the main factors leading to excess fat deposit in many parts of body, as well extra skin and laxity of abdominal wall muscle which eventually create an unpleasing contour and negatively affect people`s self-confidence. These conditions can be fixed with Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. Tummy tuck is a surgical procedure to tighten the abdominal wall muscle and remove the extra skin. This operation usually combines with liposuction to restore the body contour. This video goes over this procedure in detail.

What to expect before tummy tuck surgery?

What to expect the day of tummy tuck surgery by Dr. IranihaTummy tuck surgery or abdominoplasty is one of the common procedures in this country. Patients always have apprehension before any surgical intervention especially when they have minimal information of what they need to expect, before, during and after surgery. This video discusses what to expect before the tummy tuck surgery from the time of consultation until the day of surgery.

What to expect the day of tummy tuck surgery?

What to expect the day of tummy tuck surgery by Dr. IranihaTummy tuck surgery or abdominoplasty is one of the most common procedures in this country. Patients always have apprehension before any surgical intervention especially when they have minimal information of what they need to expect, before, during and after surgery. This video discusses what to expect the day of tummy tuck surgery from the time of arrival to the surgery center until the end of surgery.

What to expect after tummy tuck surgery?

What to expect after tummy tuck surgery by Dr. IranihaTummy tuck surgery or abdominoplasty is one of the common procedures in this country. Patients always have apprehension before any surgical intervention especially when they have minimal information of what they need to expect, before, during and after surgery. This video discusses what to expect after the tummy tuck surgery from the first day to the end of recovery.

What is the mini tummy tuck?

What is mini tummy tuck by Dr. IranihaPregnancy, obesity, genetic and advancing age are the main factors leading to excess fat deposit in many parts of body, as well extra skin and laxity of abdominal wall muscle which eventually create an unpleasing contour and negatively affect people`s self-confidence. These conditions can be fixed with Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck. Tummy tuck is a surgical procedure to tighten the abdominal wall muscle and remove the extra skin. Mini tummy tuck is a great operation for patients with muscle laxity but less excess fat and extra skin. Therefore, the incision is smaller, recovery is faster and the patient`s own umbilicus is preserved. This video goes over this procedure in detail.

What are the potential complications of tummy tuck surgery?

What are the potential complications of tummy tuck surgery by Dr. IranihaTummy tuck surgery or abdominoplasty is not an operation without potential risks. Even though the risks are extremely minimal but there are potential complications that need to be discussed with patient prior to the surgery. This video goes over the potential complications of the tummy tuck surgery.


What is liposuction or lipo-sculpting procedure?

What is liposuction or lipo sculpting by Dr. IranihaPregnancy, obesity, genetic and advancing age are the main factors leading to excess fat deposit in many parts of body which eventually create an unpleasing contour and negatively affect people`s self-confidence. This condition can be improved with liposuction or lipo-sculpting procedure. This video discusses this procedure in detail.

What are the potential complications of the liposuction?

What are the potential complications of liposuction by Dr. IranihaLiposuction or lipo-sculpting procedure is not an operation without potential risks. Even though the risks are extremely minimal but there are potential complications that need to be discussed with patient prior to the surgery. This video goes over the potential complications of the liposuction procedure.


What is body contouring?

What is body contouring by Dr. IranihaPregnancy, obesity, genetic and advancing age are the main factors leading to excess fat deposit in many parts of body, as well as extra skin, laxity of abdominal wall muscle, and breast and buttock deflation which eventually create an unpleasing contour and negatively affect people`s self-confidence. Body contouring are the series of surgical procedures to address all those issues. This video discusses body contouring in detail.

Who is the best candidate for the mini abdominoplasty?

Who is the best candidate for the mini abdominoplasty by Dr. IranihaPregnancy, obesity, genetic and advancing age are the main factors leading to excess fat deposit in many parts of body, as well extra skin and laxity of abdominal wall muscle which eventually create an unpleasing contour and negatively affect people`s self-confidence. These conditions can be fixed with Mini Abdominoplasty or Mini tummy tuck. Mini tummy tuck is a great operation for patients with muscle laxity but less excess fat and extra skin. Therefore, the incision is smaller, recovery is faster and the patient`s own umbilicus is preserved. This video discusses who the best candidate is.

What problems does tummy tuck resolve?

What problems does tummy tuck resolve by Dr. IranihaExcess fat deposit around the abdominal wall, as well as loose skin and laxity of abdominal wall muscle are the main problems that usually happen with age, obesity or after pregnancy. These changes create an unpleasing contour and negatively affect people`s self-confidence. Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure to address these problems by tightening the abdominal wall muscle and removing the extra skin. This operation usually combines with liposuction for fat removal and restoring the body contour. This video discusses this procedure in detail.

Is the tummy tuck results permanent?
Is the result of tummy tuck permanent? By Dr. IranihaTummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure for tightening the abdominal wall muscle and removing the extra skin. This operation usually combines with liposuction for fat removal and restoring the body contour. This video discusses whether the result of this procedure is permanent.


What are the potential complications of tummy tuck?
What are the potential complications of tummy tuck? By Dr. IranihaTummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure for tightening the abdominal wall muscle and removing the extra skin. This operation usually combines with liposuction for fat removal and restoring the body contour. This video discusses the potential complications during or after this procedure in detail.

Who is the best candidate for a mini abdominoplasty or tummy tuck?

Who is the best candidate for a mini abdominoplasty or tummy tuck? By Dr. IranihaTummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure for tightening the abdominal wall muscle and removing the extra skin. This operation usually combines with liposuction for fat removal and restoring the body contour. This video discusses the preoperative evaluation of the patient to determine the best candidate for tummy tuck.

1. How would a tummy tuck affect the women for future pregnancy?
During a tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty), the abdominal muscle would be tightened. The abdominal wall muscles and tissue would still be able to stretch per usual if a woman were to get pregnant. Therefore, depending on their body frame and the extent of muscle tightening, some mothers would notice that their abdomen does not stretch as much as previous pregnancies, but becoming pregnant after an abdominoplasty is safe and harmless to the child. However, it is suggested to wait at least 6 months after surgery to become pregnant.

2. How important is staying fit after a tummy tuck?
It is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle after surgery. It is important to follow an exercise regimen to obtain optimal results from your abdominoplasty. Gaining weight and lack of exercise would reverse the results of tummy tuck.

3. What is my level of activity after the tummy tuck?
It is recommended to walk after the surgery as much as tolerated. Obviously the first few days, patient would be uncomfortable and experience pain but as the pain and discomfort improves they must increase their activity (walking). Patients should not be involved in any heavy activity, lifting, straining or heavy exercise for six weeks after the surgery.

4. When can I start exercising again?
After six weeks you may resume your exercise routine beginning with less strenuous exercises and working your way back to your normal routine.

5. How long is the recovery time after a tummy tuck?
Patients would experience pain and discomfort for the first two weeks which improves gradually, but up to one more month they would complain of some discomfort especially during activity. Patients may experience some numbness and a pulling sensation that will disappear within a few weeks. It can take several months for swelling and bruising to go down. If the scar is properly taken care of it can fade within a year.

6. Will I need to wear a garment after surgery?
Yes, you will need to wear this garment for several weeks post operatively to help the healing process. The binder helps to support the abdomen, decrease the pain and prevent fluid buildup.

7. What is the pain like after a tummy tuck and how long does it last?
The first few days after surgery are the most intense days of pain. The doctor will prescribe a pain medication for you to take. After the first few days, the pain mellows down to be minimal to moderate that might last up to 6 weeks. Patients may experience the following usual symptoms of bruising, swelling, redness, tightness, stiffness, tingling, burning sensations or numbness. These signs and symptoms usually improve three months after the surgery

8. What should I wear to my tummy tuck consultation?
The bikini that normally you wear, is the best option to wear to your first consultation for surgeon to be able to mark the incision area under the bikini line.

9. When can I return to work?
Depending on your occupation, you can go back to work light duty work 2 weeks after the surgery and heavy work 6 weeks after tummy tuck. You will need to consult your doctor and get approval before doing so to ensure that proper healing is achieved.

10. Does the tummy tuck scar go away?
Within a year the scar would diminish in appearance. The scar would be less raised and prominent and its color would fade away.

11. What can I do to help treat the scar?
a. It is critical to follow the instructions given to you by your doctor to ensure that the scar is able to fully heal.
b. Proper taping the scar right after the surgery by your physician helps to decrease the scar tissue. This technique is important for the first few weeks.
c. Three weeks after surgery gentle massaging of the incision daily may help to soften the scar tissue
d. Silicone sheet or tape is also helpful to minimize the scarring
e. Avoid pulling on the incision or any tension on the wound for 6 weeks
f. Avoid smoking

12. Will I have a drain?
In general majority of patients with tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) would have a drain for one to two weeks after the surgery. The doctor will discuss this with you at your appointment.

13. When can I stand straight after a tummy tuck?
It really depends on the type of tummy tuck but in general, you will be hunched over for several days to two weeks after the surgery. Then, it is recommended to try to stand straight to decrease the pressure on your back but not really pull on the incision for another 4 weeks.

Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty

For more information and free consultation please contact our office at 949-6464-8444.